It is a story about a cat and a dragon (+α) raised by a cat, and is like a gentle fairy tale.
It is omnibus style, and there are several cats (+α) that can be considered the main characters, one of which is a dragon raised by a cat.
When the dragon was born in the forest, it met a mother cat (Mama Nyan) who was raising her kittens in the same forest.With a mother cat saying, “They all had one more brother,” The dragon was raised with other kittens.
It is a heartwarming and tender work that depicts family stories and interactions with other humans by the brothers, nieces, and nephews who grew up with the cat dragon.

The omnibus format makes for easy reading.
The main focus is on dusty stories of cats interacting with each other or with each other and with people.
In addition to the crossover between characters, several generations of human time flow through the story, and the growth of the characters is touched upon, making it easy to become emotionally involved in the story.
The characters depicted are just so cute.
The cats’ gestures, facial expressions, and other emotional expressions are wonderful and draw you in.
The gentle picture book-like design is soothing to look at.
The cats are mainly free spirits, but all of them are charming.
I especially like Mama-nyan among the cats.
Mama-nyan welcomes a dragon she happens to meet into the family, decides to raise a human girl on her own when she is suddenly summoned to a place where she can’t be left alone, and (I’m sure) swings around her a bit, freely going her own way, making her a Okan that truly lives up to her name.
With a mother like this, you would definitely enjoy every day with her, and you would want her to stay by your side and swing around all the time.