recommend comic “Isekai izakaya Nobu”

It is a human drama in a tavern, in a so-called different world.
As you all know, the basic flow of the Isekai series is that the main character loses his life in an unforeseen accident and is reborn in another world where he receives cheat abilities from a god-like being and muscles his way through life as an “I am the strongest(I TUEEE)”.
This is not a battle story, but the main character Nobu was running an izakaya in Japan, and the store was connected to another world, with the kitchen door remaining in Japan and the entrance and exit connected to the other world.
The main characters are at first puzzled, but the story progresses as they serve food and interact with people from other worlds who visit the izakaya.
The level of civilization in the otherworldly city of Aethelia, where the story takes place, is about medieval Europe, and the customers who visit the izakaya are shocked by the cold beer and impressed by the delicious food prepared by the main character, which they have never seen before. The story is about people who gather at the restaurant and human relationships are woven into the fabric.

[What I like about this manga]
①skillful painting(Great expression)
Virginia Ni-touhei, who is in charge of drawing, has wonderful expressive skills.
First of all, the food looks very delicious.
Every dish prepared by the main character, who comes from a ryotei restaurant, makes me drool, and if you read this manga before dinner, you will be able to decide what to have for dinner.
And the expressions on the faces of the people eating the food are wonderful.
One of the most difficult aspects of acting for actors is the expression of deliciousness.
The customers who come to the izakaya seem to really enjoy the main character Nobu’s food so much that it is almost painful for me to read about it.
②A heart-warming story
They are all good stories that are easy to read and usually make you cry because many of them are complete stories with laughter and tears.
③Fascinating characters
The setting and background of each of the characters are well-developed, and you can’t help but get emotionally involved with them.
Each character has his or her own drama, and they crossover and connect !
I can’t say this because it would be a spoiler (but I really want to), but the characters are all unreliable at the beginning, but they grow up and become strong, which makes me want to push them.

please supprot us!

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