recommend sweets “Noumitsu-Yakiimo”

I found it at a local supermarket.

At first, I was skeptical and thought I would just have to see how it was done, but I was shocked when I took a bite!
It is extremely sweet. The texture is sticky, thick, and extremely sweet.
When I first tasted it, I thought I was eating a sweet potato. I was under the illusion that I was eating a sweet potato when I ate it for the first time.
The only ingredient is sweet potato, although I thought they might have added sugar or something else.
So sweet, yet 100% vegetable?
If it’s a vegetable, it won’t make you fat, right?
Isn’t it God’s food now?

I like baked sweet potatoes and buy sweet potatoes from the market and bake them at home, but this is not far behind.
It is impressive to see the level of sweetness that can be achieved when a professional takes the baking process seriously. The secret to the sweetness is not only the baking method, but also the fact that the potatoes are left to ripen for a certain period of time after harvesting.
The makers put a lot of effort into things I can’t see…!

And here, there are about 4-5 small baked potatoes in the bag.
When I buy baked sweet potatoes at the supermarket, can be hit or miss, but these are all hit, big hit, and all very sweet.
It is delicious enough as it is, but when you heat it up in the oven or eat it with butter or vanilla on top, you will feel very glad that you were born.

It seems to be sold at Seijo Ishii, but it is also sold at other supermarkets.
In the case of our local supermarket, it was sold in the sweets section next to pudding and jelly, so you can look for it if you like!

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